Dec. 21, 1967
A young, charismatic Pierre Trudeau, acting as Justice Minister, has introduced his controversial Omnibus bill in the House of Commons. The bill calls for massive changes to the Criminal Code of Canada. Trudeau makes an appeal for the decriminalization of ‘homosexual acts’ performed in private, telling reporters in this CBC Television clip “there’s no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation.” Trudeau goes on to say “what’s done in private between adults doesn’t concern the Criminal Code.”
The other controversial parts of Trudeau’s comprehensive Omnibus bill concern revisions to abortion laws, making it legal for women to get one if a committee of three doctors feels the pregnancy endangers the mental, emotional or physical well-being of the mother.
The bill also calls for the legalization of lotteries, new gun ownership restrictions and would allow police to perform breathalyser tests on suspected drunk drivers if they have reasonable and probable cause.